and onto the latest news
(as of 10:41am, Tuesday, September 6,2005)
making the most of the day:
'coz we don't have classes. our faculty's holding a departamental meeting. hooray!
i'm done with:
our prelims. we had our prelims from aug30-sept5. damn! i'm gonna fail some subjects this prelims.
buzy on:
a critique on the movie Rizal portrayed by cesar montano.and a reflection on our "sojourn" of rizal's life. deadline is on september 7, wednesday. sheesh...good thing there's no classes today.
drooling over: (literally)
camera phone...a sony erricson phone. K750i, W800i, Z800i. nyargh!but i can only afford one and once of course. nyargh! i can only afford for the K750i.

click any of the images above to view a comparison of the three.
music interest since yesterday:
this is what i get from watching animax. i anticipate the animax musix, sort of the mtv in animax.i get to watch and enjoy Jpop. and the list toppers are: depapepe!!! never heard a guitar played as good as theirs! and also, yoshida brothers, very traditional yet modern. gawd, i'm getting Jpopped!

family issue of the week:
my eldest bro's muy. (watta code?!wurr?) but she's no good at all! she's an insult to the family, in a moral sense (i think?).
me issue of the week:
first, suppression.tired of being shushed! but i have no choice..and/or chance. second,..damn activists! and also those politicians i consider stupeeed!(has to be 3 e's). damn you!
3rd,and probably the most positive in the stalkee! it's me turn to stalk now.harharhar!!
and that's for today. stay tuned. i'll be back (tomorrow?) for further updates.
we'll be right back after a long coffee break!
*cue nescafe advertisement.. "ulaaaaaaaaan, sinong di mapapa-"
self comment: -nyak! last part's corny-
one cup at a time
(as of 10:41am, Tuesday, September 6,2005)
making the most of the day:
'coz we don't have classes. our faculty's holding a departamental meeting. hooray!
i'm done with:
our prelims. we had our prelims from aug30-sept5. damn! i'm gonna fail some subjects this prelims.
buzy on:
a critique on the movie Rizal portrayed by cesar montano.and a reflection on our "sojourn" of rizal's life. deadline is on september 7, wednesday. sheesh...good thing there's no classes today.
drooling over: (literally)
camera phone...a sony erricson phone. K750i, W800i, Z800i. nyargh!but i can only afford one and once of course. nyargh! i can only afford for the K750i.

click any of the images above to view a comparison of the three.
music interest since yesterday:
this is what i get from watching animax. i anticipate the animax musix, sort of the mtv in animax.i get to watch and enjoy Jpop. and the list toppers are: depapepe!!! never heard a guitar played as good as theirs! and also, yoshida brothers, very traditional yet modern. gawd, i'm getting Jpopped!

family issue of the week:
my eldest bro's muy. (watta code?!wurr?) but she's no good at all! she's an insult to the family, in a moral sense (i think?).
me issue of the week:
first, suppression.tired of being shushed! but i have no choice..and/or chance. second,..damn activists! and also those politicians i consider stupeeed!(has to be 3 e's). damn you!
3rd,and probably the most positive in the stalkee! it's me turn to stalk now.harharhar!!
and that's for today. stay tuned. i'll be back (tomorrow?) for further updates.
we'll be right back after a long coffee break!
*cue nescafe advertisement.. "ulaaaaaaaaan, sinong di mapapa-"
self comment: -nyak! last part's corny-
one cup at a time